Source code for kolibri.core.auth.models

We have four main abstractions: Users, Collections, Memberships, and Roles.

Users represent people, like students in a school, teachers for a classroom, or volunteers setting up informal
installations. A ``FacilityUser`` belongs to a particular facility, and has permissions only with respect to other data
that is associated with that facility. ``FacilityUser`` accounts (like other facility data) may be synced across multiple

Collections form a hierarchy, with Collections able to belong to other Collections. Collections are subdivided
into several pre-defined levels (``Facility`` > ``Classroom`` > ``LearnerGroup``).

A ``FacilityUser`` (but not a ``DeviceOwner``) can be marked as a member of a ``Collection`` through a ``Membership``
object. Being a member of a Collection also means being a member of all the Collections above that Collection in the

Another way in which a ``FacilityUser`` can be associated with a particular ``Collection`` is through a ``Role``
object, which grants the user a role with respect to the ``Collection`` and all the collections below it. A ``Role``
object also stores the "kind" of the role (currently, one of "admin" or "coach"), which affects what permissions the
user gains through the ``Role``.
import logging
from threading import local

from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractBaseUser
from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser
from django.contrib.auth.models import UserManager
from django.core import validators
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db import models
from django.db import transaction
from django.db.models.query import Q
from django.db.utils import IntegrityError
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
from morango.models import Certificate
from morango.models import SyncableModel
from morango.models import SyncableModelManager
from mptt.models import TreeForeignKey

from .constants import collection_kinds
from .constants import facility_presets
from .constants import morango_sync
from .constants import role_kinds
from .constants import user_kinds
from .errors import IncompatibleDeviceSettingError
from .errors import InvalidCollectionHierarchy
from .errors import InvalidMembershipError
from .errors import InvalidRoleKind
from .errors import UserDoesNotHaveRoleError
from .errors import UserIsNotFacilityUser
from .errors import UserIsNotMemberError
from .permissions.auth import AllCanReadFacilityDataset
from .permissions.auth import AnyUserCanReadFacilities
from .permissions.auth import CoachesCanManageGroupsForTheirClasses
from .permissions.auth import CoachesCanManageMembershipsForTheirGroups
from .permissions.auth import CollectionSpecificRoleBasedPermissions
from .permissions.auth import FacilityAdminCanEditForOwnFacilityDataset
from .permissions.base import BasePermissions
from .permissions.base import RoleBasedPermissions
from .permissions.general import IsAdminForOwnFacility
from .permissions.general import IsOwn
from .permissions.general import IsSelf
from kolibri.core import error_constants
from kolibri.core.auth.constants.demographics import choices as GENDER_CHOICES
from kolibri.core.auth.constants.demographics import custom_demographics_schema
from kolibri.core.auth.constants.demographics import DEFERRED
from kolibri.core.auth.constants.demographics import DescriptionTranslationValidator
from kolibri.core.auth.constants.demographics import EnumValuesValidator
from kolibri.core.auth.constants.demographics import FacilityUserDemographicValidator
from kolibri.core.auth.constants.demographics import LabelTranslationValidator
from kolibri.core.auth.constants.demographics import NOT_SPECIFIED
from kolibri.core.auth.constants.demographics import UniqueIdsValidator
from kolibri.core.auth.constants.morango_sync import ScopeDefinitions
from kolibri.core.device.utils import device_provisioned
from kolibri.core.device.utils import get_device_setting
from kolibri.core.device.utils import is_full_facility_import
from kolibri.core.device.utils import set_device_settings
from kolibri.core.errors import KolibriValidationError
from kolibri.core.fields import DateTimeTzField
from kolibri.core.fields import JSONField
from kolibri.core.utils.validators import JSON_Schema_Validator
from import interface
from kolibri.utils.time_utils import local_now

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEMOGRAPHIC_FIELDS_KEY = "demographic_fields"

# '"optional":True' is obsolete but needed while we keep using an
# old json_schema_validator version compatible with python 2.7.
# "additionalProperties": False must be avoided for backwards compatibility
extra_fields_schema = {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "facility": {"type": "object", "optional": True},
        "on_my_own_setup": {"type": "boolean", "optional": True},
        "pin_code": {"type": ["string", "null"], "optional": True},
        DEMOGRAPHIC_FIELDS_KEY: custom_demographics_schema,

extra_fields_default_values = {
    "facility": {},
    "on_my_own_setup": False,
    "pin_code": "",

[docs]class DatasetCache(local): def __init__(self): self.deactivate() def __enter__(self): self.activate() def activate(self): self._active = True def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.deactivate() def deactivate(self): self._active = False self.clear() def clear(self): self._cache = {} def get(self, key): if self._active: return self._cache.get(key) return None def set(self, key, dataset_id): if self._active: self._cache[key] = dataset_id return None
dataset_cache = DatasetCache() def _has_permissions_class(obj): return hasattr(obj, "permissions") and isinstance(obj.permissions, BasePermissions)
[docs]class FacilityDataSyncableModel(SyncableModel): morango_profile = morango_sync.PROFILE_FACILITY_DATA class Meta: abstract = True
[docs]class FacilityDataset(FacilityDataSyncableModel): """ ``FacilityDataset`` stores high-level metadata and settings for a particular ``Facility``. It is also the model that all models storing facility data (data that is associated with a particular facility, and that inherits from ``AbstractFacilityDataModel``) foreign key onto, to indicate that they belong to this particular ``Facility``. """ permissions = ( AllCanReadFacilityDataset() | FacilityAdminCanEditForOwnFacilityDataset() ) # Morango syncing settings morango_model_name = "facilitydataset" description = models.TextField(blank=True) location = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=True) preset = models.CharField( max_length=50, choices=facility_presets.choices, default=facility_presets.default, ) # Facility specific configuration settings learner_can_edit_username = models.BooleanField(default=True) learner_can_edit_name = models.BooleanField(default=True) learner_can_edit_password = models.BooleanField(default=True) learner_can_sign_up = models.BooleanField(default=True) learner_can_delete_account = models.BooleanField(default=True) learner_can_login_with_no_password = models.BooleanField(default=False) show_download_button_in_learn = models.BooleanField(default=True) extra_fields = JSONField( null=True, blank=True, validators=[ JSON_Schema_Validator(extra_fields_schema), UniqueIdsValidator(DEMOGRAPHIC_FIELDS_KEY), DescriptionTranslationValidator(DEMOGRAPHIC_FIELDS_KEY), EnumValuesValidator(DEMOGRAPHIC_FIELDS_KEY), LabelTranslationValidator(DEMOGRAPHIC_FIELDS_KEY), ], default=extra_fields_default_values, ) registered = models.BooleanField(default=False) def __str__(self): facilities = self.collection_set.filter(kind=collection_kinds.FACILITY) if facilities: return "FacilityDataset for {}".format( Facility.objects.get(id=facilities[0].id) ) return "FacilityDataset (no associated Facility)"
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): self.ensure_compatibility() super(FacilityDataset, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
def ensure_compatibility(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.learner_can_login_with_no_password and self.learner_can_edit_password: raise IncompatibleDeviceSettingError( "Device Settings [learner_can_login_with_no_password={}] & [learner_can_edit_password={}] " "values incompatible together.".format( self.learner_can_login_with_no_password, self.learner_can_edit_password, ) )
[docs] def calculate_source_id(self): # if we don't already have a source ID, get one by generating a new root certificate, and using its ID if not self._morango_source_id: self._morango_source_id = Certificate.generate_root_certificate( ScopeDefinitions.FULL_FACILITY ).id return self._morango_source_id
@staticmethod def compute_namespaced_id(partition_value, source_id_value, model_name): # assert partition_value.startswith(FacilityDataset.ID_PLACEHOLDER) if model_name != FacilityDataset.morango_model_name: raise AssertionError # we use the source_id as the ID for the FacilityDataset return source_id_value
[docs] def calculate_partition(self): return "{id}:allusers-ro".format(id=self.ID_PLACEHOLDER)
def get_root_certificate(self): return Certificate.objects.get( def get_owned_certificates(self): # return all certificates associated with this facility dataset for which we have the private key return Certificate.objects.filter( tree_id=self.get_root_certificate().tree_id ).exclude(_private_key=None) def reset_to_default_settings(self, preset=None): from kolibri.core.auth.constants.facility_presets import mappings # use the current preset if it is not passed in dataset_data = mappings[preset or self.preset] for key, value in dataset_data.items(): setattr(self, key, value) @cached_property def full_facility_import(self): """ Returns True if this user is a member of a facility that has been fully imported. """ return is_full_facility_import(
[docs] def validate_demographic_data(self, demographic_data): """ Use the custom schema to validate demographic data being set on a FacilityUser. """ FacilityUserDemographicValidator(self.extra_fields[DEMOGRAPHIC_FIELDS_KEY])( demographic_data )
[docs]class AbstractFacilityDataModel(FacilityDataSyncableModel): """ Base model for Kolibri "Facility Data", which is data that is specific to a particular ``Facility``, such as ``FacilityUsers``, ``Collections``, and other data associated with those users and collections. """ dataset = models.ForeignKey(FacilityDataset, on_delete=models.CASCADE) class Meta: abstract = True @classmethod def get_related_dataset_cache_key(cls, id, db_table): return "{id}_{db_table}_dataset".format(id=id, db_table=db_table)
[docs] def calculate_source_id(self): # by default, we'll use randomly generated source IDs; this can be overridden as desired return None
[docs] def clean_fields(self, *args, **kwargs): # ensure that we have, or can infer, a dataset for the model instance if not self.dataset_id: self.ensure_dataset(validating=True) super(AbstractFacilityDataModel, self).clean_fields(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def full_clean(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs["exclude"] = kwargs.get("exclude", []) + getattr( self, "FIELDS_TO_EXCLUDE_FROM_VALIDATION", [] ) super(AbstractFacilityDataModel, self).full_clean(*args, **kwargs)
def pre_save(self): # before saving, ensure we have a dataset, and convert any validation errors into integrity # errors, since by this point the `clean_fields` method should already have prevented # this situation from arising try: self.ensure_dataset() except KolibriValidationError as e: raise IntegrityError(str(e))
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): self.pre_save() super(AbstractFacilityDataModel, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def ensure_dataset(self, *args, **kwargs): """ If no dataset has yet been specified, try to infer it. If a dataset has already been specified, to prevent inconsistencies, make sure it matches the inferred dataset, otherwise raise a ``KolibriValidationError``. If we have no dataset and it can't be inferred, we raise a ``KolibriValidationError`` exception as well. """ inferred_dataset_id = self.infer_dataset(*args, **kwargs) if self.dataset_id: # make sure currently stored dataset matches inferred dataset, if any if inferred_dataset_id and inferred_dataset_id != self.dataset_id: raise KolibriValidationError( "This model is not associated with the correct FacilityDataset." ) else: # use the inferred dataset, if there is one, otherwise throw an error if inferred_dataset_id: self.dataset_id = inferred_dataset_id else: raise KolibriValidationError( "FacilityDataset ('dataset') not provided, and could not be inferred." )
[docs] def infer_dataset(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This method is used by `ensure_dataset` to "infer" which dataset should be associated with this instance. It should be overridden in any subclass of ``AbstractFacilityDataModel``, to define a model-specific inference. """ raise NotImplementedError( "Subclasses of AbstractFacilityDataModel must override the `infer_dataset` method." )
validate_username_allowed_chars = validators.RegexValidator( r'[\s`~!@#$%^&*()\-+={}\[\]\|\\\/:;"\'<>,\.\?]', "Enter a valid username. This value can contain only letters, numbers, and underscores.", code=error_constants.INVALID, inverse_match=True, ) validate_username_max_length = validators.MaxLengthValidator( 30, "Required. 30 characters or fewer. Letters and digits only" ) def validate_username(value): try: validators.validate_email(value) except ValidationError: # for kolibri backwards compatibility, if the username is not an email: validate_username_allowed_chars(value) validate_username_max_length(value)
[docs]class KolibriBaseUserMixin: """ This mixin is inherited by ``KolibriAnonymousUser`` and ``FacilityUser``. Use a mixin instead of an abstract base class because of difficulties with multiple inheritance and Django's ``AbstractBaseUser``. """ is_staff = False is_superuser = False is_facility_user = False can_manage_content = False @property def session_data(self): """ Data that is added to the session data at login and during session updates. """ raise NotImplementedError( "Subclasses of KolibriBaseUserMixin must override the `session_data` property." )
[docs] def is_member_of(self, coll): """ Determine whether this user is a member of the specified ``Collection``. :param coll: The ``Collection`` for which we are checking this user's membership. :return: ``True`` if this user is a member of the specified ``Collection``, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ raise NotImplementedError( "Subclasses of KolibriBaseUserMixin must override the `is_member_of` method." )
[docs] def has_role_for_user(self, kinds, user): """ Determine whether this user has (at least one of) the specified role kind(s) in relation to the specified user. :param user: The user that is the target of the role (for which this user has the roles). :param kinds: The kind (or kinds) of role to check for, as a string or iterable. :type kinds: string from ``kolibri.core.auth.constants.role_kinds.*`` :return: ``True`` if this user has the specified role kind with respect to the target user, otherwise ``False``. :rtype: bool """ raise NotImplementedError( "Subclasses of KolibriBaseUserMixin must override the `has_role_for_user` method." )
[docs] def has_role_for_collection(self, kinds, coll): """ Determine whether this user has (at least one of) the specified role kind(s) in relation to the specified ``Collection``. :param kinds: The kind (or kinds) of role to check for, as a string or iterable. :type kinds: string from kolibri.core.auth.constants.role_kinds.* :param coll: The target ``Collection`` for which this user has the roles. :return: ``True`` if this user has the specified role kind with respect to the target ``Collection``, otherwise ``False``. :rtype: bool """ raise NotImplementedError( "Subclasses of KolibriBaseUserMixin must override the `has_role_for_collection` method." )
[docs] def can_create_instance(self, obj): """ Checks whether this user (self) has permission to create a particular model instance (obj). This method should be overridden by classes that inherit from ``KolibriBaseUserMixin``. In general, unless an instance has already been initialized, this method should not be called directly; instead, it should be preferred to call ``can_create``. :param obj: An (unsaved) instance of a Django model, to check permissions for. :return: ``True`` if this user should have permission to create the object, otherwise ``False``. :rtype: bool """ raise NotImplementedError( "Subclasses of KolibriBaseUserMixin must override the `can_create_instance` method." )
[docs] def can_create(self, Model, data): """ Checks whether this user (self) has permission to create an instance of Model with the specified attributes (data). This method defers to the ``can_create_instance`` method, and in most cases should not itself be overridden. :param Model: A subclass of ``django.db.models.Model`` :param data: A ``dict`` of data to be used in creating an instance of the Model :return: ``True`` if this user should have permission to create an instance of Model with the specified data, else ``False``. :rtype: bool """ try: instance = Model(**data) instance.clean_fields( exclude=getattr(Model, "FIELDS_TO_EXCLUDE_FROM_VALIDATION", None) ) instance.clean() except TypeError as e: logger.error( "TypeError while validating model before checking permissions: {}".format( e.args ) ) # if the data provided does not fit the Model, don't continue checking return False except ValidationError as e: logger.error(e) return False # if the data does not validate, don't continue checking # now that we have an instance, defer to the permission-checking method that works with instances return self.can_create_instance(instance)
[docs] def can_read(self, obj): """ Checks whether this user (self) has permission to read a particular model instance (obj). This method should be overridden by classes that inherit from ``KolibriBaseUserMixin``. :param obj: An instance of a Django model, to check permissions for. :return: ``True`` if this user should have permission to read the object, otherwise ``False``. :rtype: bool """ raise NotImplementedError( "Subclasses of KolibriBaseUserMixin must override the `can_read` method." )
[docs] def can_update(self, obj): """ Checks whether this user (self) has permission to update a particular model instance (obj). This method should be overridden by classes that inherit from KolibriBaseUserMixin. :param obj: An instance of a Django model, to check permissions for. :return: ``True`` if this user should have permission to update the object, otherwise ``False``. :rtype: bool """ raise NotImplementedError( "Subclasses of KolibriBaseUserMixin must override the `can_update` method." )
[docs] def can_delete(self, obj): """ Checks whether this user (self) has permission to delete a particular model instance (obj). This method should be overridden by classes that inherit from KolibriBaseUserMixin. :param obj: An instance of a Django model, to check permissions for. :return: ``True`` if this user should have permission to delete the object, otherwise ``False``. :rtype: bool """ raise NotImplementedError( "Subclasses of KolibriBaseUserMixin must override the `can_delete` method." )
[docs] def has_role_for(self, kinds, obj): """ Helper function that defers to ``has_role_for_user`` or ``has_role_for_collection`` based on the type of object passed in. """ if isinstance(obj, KolibriBaseUserMixin): return self.has_role_for_user(kinds, obj) elif isinstance(obj, Collection): return self.has_role_for_collection(kinds, obj) else: raise ValueError( "The `obj` argument to `has_role_for` must be either an instance of KolibriBaseUserMixin or Collection." )
[docs] def filter_readable(self, queryset): """ Filters a queryset down to only the elements that this user should have permission to read. :param queryset: A ``QuerySet`` instance that the filtering should be applied to. :return: Filtered ``QuerySet`` including only elements that are readable by this user. """ raise NotImplementedError( "Subclasses of KolibriBaseUserMixin must override the `can_delete` method." )
[docs]class KolibriAnonymousUser(AnonymousUser, KolibriBaseUserMixin): """ Custom anonymous user that also exposes the same interface as KolibriBaseUserMixin, for consistency. """ @property def session_data(self): return { "username": "", "full_name": "", "user_id": None, "facility_id": getattr(Facility.get_default_facility(), "id", None), "kind": [user_kinds.ANONYMOUS], "full_facility_import": self.full_facility_import, } @property def full_facility_import(self): # Just return True for anonymous users, since they don't have any permissions anyway return True
[docs] def is_member_of(self, coll): return False
[docs] def has_role_for_user(self, kinds, user): return False
[docs] def has_role_for_collection(self, kinds, coll): return False
[docs] def can_create_instance(self, obj): # check the object permissions, if available, just in case permissions are granted to anon users if _has_permissions_class(obj): return obj.permissions.user_can_create_object(self, obj) return False
[docs] def can_read(self, obj): # check the object permissions, if available, just in case permissions are granted to anon users if _has_permissions_class(obj): return obj.permissions.user_can_read_object(self, obj) return False
[docs] def can_update(self, obj): # check the object permissions, if available, just in case permissions are granted to anon users if _has_permissions_class(obj): return obj.permissions.user_can_update_object(self, obj) return False
[docs] def can_delete(self, obj): # check the object permissions, if available, just in case permissions are granted to anon users if _has_permissions_class(obj): return obj.permissions.user_can_delete_object(self, obj) return False
[docs] def filter_readable(self, queryset): # check the object permissions, if available, just in case permissions are granted to anon users if _has_permissions_class(queryset.model): return queryset.filter( queryset.model.permissions.readable_by_user_filter(self) ).distinct() return queryset.none()
class FacilityUserModelManager(SyncableModelManager, UserManager): def create_user(self, username, email=None, password=None, **extra_fields): """ Creates and saves a User with the given username. """ if not username: raise ValueError("The given username must be set") if extra_fields.get("facility") is None: extra_fields["facility"] = Facility.get_default_facility() if self.filter( username__iexact=username, facility=extra_fields["facility"] ).exists(): raise ValidationError("An account with that username already exists") user = self.model(username=username, password=password, **extra_fields) user.full_clean() if password != NOT_SPECIFIED: user.set_password(password) return user def create_superuser(self, username, password, facility=None, full_name=None): # import here to avoid circularity from kolibri.core.device.models import DevicePermissions # create the new account in that facility # gender and birth_year are set to DEFERRED, since superusers do not # need to provide this and are not nudged to update profile on Learn page superuser = self.create_user( username, full_name=full_name or username, password=password, facility=facility, gender=DEFERRED, birth_year=DEFERRED, ) # make the user a facility admin superuser.facility.add_role(superuser, role_kinds.ADMIN) # make the user into a superuser on this device DevicePermissions.objects.create( user=superuser, is_superuser=True, can_manage_content=True ) return superuser def get_or_create_os_user(self, auth_token, facility=None): """ Returns a FacilityUser object for the current OS user. If the user does not exist in the database, it is created. """ try: os_username, is_superuser = interface.get_os_user(auth_token) except NotImplementedError: return None if not os_username: return None from kolibri.core.device.models import OSUser try: os_user = OSUser.objects.get(os_username=os_username) return os_user.user except OSUser.DoesNotExist: user = None method = self.create_superuser if is_superuser else self.create_user for i in range(0, 10): try: with transaction.atomic(): user = method( "{}{}".format("_" * i, os_username), password=NOT_SPECIFIED, facility=facility, ) OSUser.objects.create(os_username=os_username, user=user) break except ValidationError: pass if not user: raise ValidationError( "Error creating FacilityUser for OS user: {}".format(os_username) ) return user def validate_birth_year(value): error = "" if value == NOT_SPECIFIED or value == DEFERRED: return try: if int(value) < 1900: error = ( "Birth year {value} is invalid, as it is prior to the year 1900".format( value=value ) ) elif int(value) > 3000: error = ( "Birth year {value} is invalid, as it is after the year 3000".format( value=value ) ) except ValueError: error = "{value} is not a valid value for birth_year".format(value=value) if error != "": raise ValidationError(error) role_kinds_set = {r[0] for r in role_kinds.choices} def validate_role_kinds(kinds): if isinstance(kinds, str): kinds = set([kinds]) else: try: kinds = set(kinds) except TypeError: raise TypeError( "kinds argument must be a string or an iterable coerceable to a set" ) if not role_kinds_set.issuperset(kinds): raise InvalidRoleKind("kinds argument must only contain valid role kind names") return kinds
[docs]class FacilityUser(AbstractBaseUser, KolibriBaseUserMixin, AbstractFacilityDataModel): """ ``FacilityUser`` is the fundamental object of the auth app. These users represent the main users, and can be associated with a hierarchy of ``Collections`` through ``Memberships`` and ``Roles``, which then serve to help determine permissions. """ # Morango syncing settings morango_model_name = "facilityuser" # FacilityUser can be read and written by itself own = IsSelf() # FacilityUser can be read and written by a facility admin admin = IsAdminForOwnFacility() # FacilityUser can be read by admin or coach, and updated by admin, but not created/deleted by non-facility admin role = RoleBasedPermissions( target_field=".", can_be_created_by=(), # we can't check creation permissions by role, as user doesn't exist yet can_be_read_by=(role_kinds.ADMIN, role_kinds.COACH), can_be_updated_by=(role_kinds.ADMIN,), can_be_deleted_by=(), # don't want a classroom admin deleting a user completely, just removing them from the class collection_field="memberships__collection", ) permissions = own | admin | role objects = FacilityUserModelManager() USERNAME_FIELD = "username" username = models.CharField( "username", max_length=254, help_text="Required. 254 characters or fewer.", validators=[validate_username], ) full_name = models.CharField("full name", max_length=120, blank=True) date_joined = DateTimeTzField("date joined", default=local_now, editable=False) facility = models.ForeignKey("Facility", on_delete=models.CASCADE) is_facility_user = True gender = models.CharField( max_length=16, choices=GENDER_CHOICES, default="", blank=True ) birth_year = models.CharField( max_length=16, default="", validators=[validate_birth_year], blank=True ) id_number = models.CharField(max_length=64, default="", blank=True) extra_demographics = JSONField( # We deliberately do no validation on this field, to avoid user data being stuck # and unserializable if the Facility's demographic schema has been updated, but # the user data now conflicts with that. null=True, blank=True, ) def get_short_name(self): return self.full_name.split(" ", 1)[0]
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, dict_model): # be defensive against blank passwords, set to `NOT_SPECIFIED` if blank password = dict_model.get("password", "") or "" if len(password) == 0: dict_model.update(password=NOT_SPECIFIED) return super(FacilityUser, cls).deserialize(dict_model)
[docs] def calculate_partition(self): return "{dataset_id}:user-ro:{user_id}".format( dataset_id=self.dataset_id, user_id=self.ID_PLACEHOLDER )
[docs] def infer_dataset(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.cached_related_dataset_lookup("facility")
def get_permission(self, permission): try: return getattr(self.devicepermissions, "is_superuser") or getattr( self.devicepermissions, permission ) except ObjectDoesNotExist: return False def has_morango_certificate_scope_permission( self, scope_definition_id, scope_params ): if self.is_superuser: # superusers of a device always have permission to sync return True if scope_params.get("dataset_id") != self.dataset_id: # if the request isn't for the same facility as this user, abort return False if scope_definition_id == ScopeDefinitions.FULL_FACILITY: # if request is for full-facility syncing, return True only if user is a Facility Admin return self.has_role_for_collection(role_kinds.ADMIN, self.facility) elif scope_definition_id == ScopeDefinitions.SINGLE_USER: # for single-user syncing, return True if this user *is* target user, or is admin for target user target_user = FacilityUser.objects.get(id=scope_params.get("user_id")) if self == target_user: return True if self.has_role_for_user(role_kinds.ADMIN, target_user): return True return False return False @property def session_data(self): roles = list(self.roles.values_list("kind", flat=True).distinct()) if self.is_superuser: roles.insert(0, user_kinds.SUPERUSER) if not roles: roles = [user_kinds.LEARNER] return { "username": self.username, "full_name": self.full_name, "user_id":, "kind": roles, "can_manage_content": self.can_manage_content, "facility_id": self.facility_id, # Is this user a member of a facility that has been fully imported? "full_facility_import": self.full_facility_import, } @cached_property def full_facility_import(self): """ Returns True if this user is a member of a facility that has been fully imported. """ return is_full_facility_import(self.dataset_id) @cached_property def full_facility_on_my_own_setup(self): if self.dataset.extra_fields is not None: return self.dataset.extra_fields.get("on_my_own_setup", False) return False @property def can_manage_content(self): return self.get_permission("can_manage_content") @property def is_superuser(self): return self.get_permission("is_superuser") @property def is_staff(self): return self.is_superuser
[docs] def is_member_of(self, coll): if self.dataset_id != coll.dataset_id: return False if coll.kind == collection_kinds.FACILITY: return self.facility_id == return Membership.objects.filter(user=self, collection=coll).exists()
[docs] def has_role_for_user(self, kinds, user): kinds = validate_role_kinds(kinds) if self.is_superuser: # a superuser has admin role for all users on the device return role_kinds.ADMIN in kinds if not kinds: return False if not hasattr(user, "dataset_id") or self.dataset_id != user.dataset_id: return False return Role.objects.filter( Q(user=self, collection_id=user.facility_id, kind__in=kinds) | Q( user=self, collection_id__in=user.memberships.all().values_list( "collection_id", flat=True ), kind__in=kinds, ) ).exists()
[docs] def has_role_for_collection(self, kinds, coll): kinds = validate_role_kinds(kinds) if self.is_superuser: # a superuser has admin role for all collections on the device return role_kinds.ADMIN in kinds if not kinds: return False if self.dataset_id != coll.dataset_id: return False coll_id = if ( coll.kind == collection_kinds.LEARNERGROUP or coll.kind == collection_kinds.ADHOCLEARNERSGROUP ): coll_id = coll.parent_id return Role.objects.filter( Q(user=self, collection_id=self.facility_id, kind__in=kinds) | Q(user=self, collection_id=coll_id, kind__in=kinds) ).exists()
[docs] def can_create_instance(self, obj): if self.is_superuser: return True # a FacilityUser's permissions are determined through the object's permission class if _has_permissions_class(obj): return obj.permissions.user_can_create_object(self, obj) return False
[docs] def can_read(self, obj): if self.is_superuser: return True # a FacilityUser's permissions are determined through the object's permission class if _has_permissions_class(obj): return obj.permissions.user_can_read_object(self, obj) return False
[docs] def can_update(self, obj): # Superusers cannot update their own permissions, because they only thing they can do is make themselves # not super, we all saw what happened in Superman 2, no red kryptonite here! if self.is_superuser and obj != self.devicepermissions: return True # a FacilityUser's permissions are determined through the object's permission class if _has_permissions_class(obj): return obj.permissions.user_can_update_object(self, obj) return False
[docs] def can_delete(self, obj): # Users cannot delete themselves if self == obj: return False # Superusers cannot update their own permissions, because they only thing they can do is make themselves # not super, we all saw what happened in Superman 2, no red kryptonite here! if self.is_superuser and obj != self.devicepermissions: return True # a FacilityUser's permissions are determined through the object's permission class if _has_permissions_class(obj): return obj.permissions.user_can_delete_object(self, obj) return False
[docs] def filter_readable(self, queryset): if self.is_superuser: return queryset if _has_permissions_class(queryset.model): return queryset.filter( queryset.model.permissions.readable_by_user_filter(self) ).distinct() return queryset.none()
def __str__(self): return '"{user}"@"{facility}"'.format( user=self.full_name or self.username, facility=self.facility ) def has_perm(self, perm, obj=None): # ensure the superuser has full access to the Django admin if self.is_superuser: return True def has_perms(self, perm_list, obj=None): # ensure the superuser has full access to the Django admin if self.is_superuser: return True def has_module_perms(self, app_label): # ensure the superuser has full access to the Django admin if self.is_superuser: return True
[docs]class Collection(AbstractFacilityDataModel): """ ``Collections`` are hierarchical groups of ``FacilityUsers``, used for grouping users and making decisions about permissions. ``FacilityUsers`` can have roles for one or more ``Collections``, by way of obtaining ``Roles`` associated with those ``Collections``. ``Collections`` can belong to other ``Collections``, and user membership in a ``Collection`` is conferred through ``Memberships``. ``Collections`` are subdivided into several pre-defined levels. """ # Morango syncing settings morango_model_name = None # Collection can be read by anybody from the facility; writing is only allowed by an admin for the collection. # Furthermore, no FacilityUser can create or delete a Facility. Permission to create a collection is governed # by roles in relation to the new collection's parent collection (see CollectionSpecificRoleBasedPermissions). permissions = ( CollectionSpecificRoleBasedPermissions() | AnyUserCanReadFacilities() | CoachesCanManageGroupsForTheirClasses() ) _KIND = None # Should be overridden in subclasses to specify what "kind" they are name = models.CharField(max_length=100) parent = models.ForeignKey( "self", null=True, blank=True, related_name="children", db_index=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) kind = models.CharField(max_length=20, choices=collection_kinds.choices) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if self._KIND: kwargs["kind"] = self._KIND super(Collection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def calculate_partition(self): return "{dataset_id}:allusers-ro".format(dataset_id=self.dataset_id)
[docs] def clean_fields(self, *args, **kwargs): self._ensure_kind() super(Collection, self).clean_fields(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): self._ensure_kind() super(Collection, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
def _ensure_kind(self): """ Make sure the "kind" is set correctly on the model, corresponding to the appropriate subclass of ``Collection``. """ if self._KIND: self.kind = self._KIND def get_members(self): if self.kind == collection_kinds.FACILITY: return FacilityUser.objects.filter( dataset=self.dataset ) # FacilityUser is always a member of her own facility return FacilityUser.objects.filter(memberships__collection=self)
[docs] def get_coaches(self): """ Returns users who have the coach role for this immediate collection. """ return FacilityUser.objects.filter(dataset_id=self.dataset_id).filter( roles__kind=role_kinds.COACH, roles__collection=self )
[docs] def get_admins(self): """ Returns users who have the admin role for this immediate collection. """ return FacilityUser.objects.filter(dataset_id=self.dataset_id).filter( roles__kind=role_kinds.ADMIN, roles__collection=self )
[docs] def add_role(self, user, role_kind): """ Create a ``Role`` associating the provided user with this collection, with the specified kind of role. If the Role object already exists, just return that, without changing anything. :param user: The ``FacilityUser`` to associate with this ``Collection``. :param role_kind: The kind of role to give the user with respect to this ``Collection``. :return: The ``Role`` object (possibly new) that associates the user with the ``Collection``. """ # ensure the specified role kind is valid if role_kind not in role_kinds_set: raise InvalidRoleKind( "'{role_kind}' is not a valid role kind.".format(role_kind=role_kind) ) # ensure the provided user is a FacilityUser if not isinstance(user, FacilityUser): raise UserIsNotFacilityUser("You can only add roles for FacilityUsers.") # create the necessary role, if it doesn't already exist role, created = Role.objects.get_or_create( user=user, collection=self, kind=role_kind ) return role
[docs] def remove_role(self, user, role_kind): """ Remove any ``Role`` objects associating the provided user with this ``Collection``, with the specified kind of role. :param user: The ``FacilityUser`` to dissociate from this ``Collection`` (for the specific role kind). :param role_kind: The kind of role to remove from the user with respect to this ``Collection``. """ # ensure the specified role kind is valid if role_kind not in role_kinds_set: raise InvalidRoleKind( "'{role_kind}' is not a valid role kind.".format(role_kind=role_kind) ) # ensure the provided user is a FacilityUser if not isinstance(user, FacilityUser): raise UserIsNotFacilityUser("You can only remove roles for FacilityUsers.") # make sure the user has the role to begin with try: role = Role.objects.get(user=user, collection=self, kind=role_kind) except Role.DoesNotExist: raise UserDoesNotHaveRoleError( "User does not have this role for this collection." ) # delete the appropriate role, if it exists role.delete()
[docs] def add_member(self, user): """ Create a ``Membership`` associating the provided user with this ``Collection``. If the ``Membership`` object already exists, just return that, without changing anything. :param user: The ``FacilityUser`` to add to this ``Collection``. :return: The ``Membership`` object (possibly new) that associates the user with the ``Collection``. """ # ensure the provided user is a FacilityUser if not isinstance(user, FacilityUser): raise UserIsNotFacilityUser( "You can only add memberships for FacilityUsers." ) # create the necessary membership, if it doesn't already exist membership, created = Membership.objects.get_or_create( user=user, collection=self ) return membership
[docs] def remove_member(self, user): """ Remove any ``Membership`` objects associating the provided user with this ``Collection``. :param user: The ``FacilityUser`` to remove from this ``Collection``. :return: ``True`` if a ``Membership`` was removed, ``False`` if there was no matching ``Membership`` to remove. """ # ensure the provided user is a FacilityUser if not isinstance(user, FacilityUser): raise UserIsNotFacilityUser( "You can only remove memberships for FacilityUsers." ) if not user.is_member_of(self): raise UserIsNotMemberError( "The user is not a member of the collection, and cannot be removed." ) # delete the appropriate membership Membership.objects.filter(user=user, collection=self).delete()
[docs] def infer_dataset(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.dataset_id: return self.dataset_id if self.parent: # subcollections inherit dataset from root of their tree # (we can't call `get_root` directly on self, as it won't work if self hasn't yet been saved) return self.parent.dataset_id # the root node (i.e. Facility) must be explicitly tied to a dataset return None
def __str__(self): return '"{name}" ({kind})'.format(, kind=self.kind)
[docs]class Membership(AbstractFacilityDataModel): """ A ``FacilityUser`` can be marked as a member of a ``Collection`` through a ``Membership`` object. Being a member of a ``Collection`` also means being a member of all the ``Collections`` above that ``Collection`` in the tree (i.e. if you are a member of a ``LearnerGroup``, you are also a member of the ``Classroom`` that contains that ``LearnerGroup``, and of the ``Facility`` that contains that ``Classroom``). """ # Morango syncing settings morango_model_name = "membership" # users can read their own Memberships own = IsOwn(read_only=True) # Memberships can be read and written by admins, and read by coaches, for the member user role = RoleBasedPermissions( target_field="user", can_be_created_by=(role_kinds.ADMIN,), can_be_read_by=(role_kinds.ADMIN, role_kinds.COACH), can_be_updated_by=(), # Membership objects shouldn't be updated; they should be deleted and recreated as needed can_be_deleted_by=(role_kinds.ADMIN,), ) # Membership can be written by coaches under the coaches' group membership = CoachesCanManageMembershipsForTheirGroups() permissions = own | role | membership user = models.ForeignKey( "FacilityUser", related_name="memberships", blank=False, null=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) # Note: "It's recommended you use mptt.fields.TreeForeignKey wherever you have a foreign key to an MPTT model. # collection = TreeForeignKey("Collection", on_delete=models.CASCADE) class Meta: unique_together = (("user", "collection"),)
[docs] def calculate_partition(self): return "{dataset_id}:user-ro:{user_id}".format( dataset_id=self.dataset_id, user_id=self.user_id )
[docs] def calculate_source_id(self): return "{collection_id}".format(collection_id=self.collection_id)
[docs] def infer_dataset(self, *args, **kwargs): user_dataset_id = self.cached_related_dataset_lookup("user") collection_dataset_id = self.cached_related_dataset_lookup("collection") if user_dataset_id != collection_dataset_id: raise KolibriValidationError( "Collection and user for a Membership object must be in same dataset." ) return user_dataset_id
def __str__(self): return "{user}'s membership in {collection}".format( user=self.user, collection=self.collection )
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.collection.kind == collection_kinds.FACILITY: raise InvalidMembershipError( "Cannot create membership objects for facilities, as should already be a member by facility attribute" ) # Can skip checking that the user facility and the classroom are properly related, # as infer dataset will check they have the same dataset if ( self.collection.kind == collection_kinds.LEARNERGROUP or self.collection.kind == collection_kinds.ADHOCLEARNERSGROUP ): if not Membership.objects.filter( collection_id=self.collection.parent_id, user=self.user ).exists(): raise InvalidMembershipError( "Cannot create membership for a user in a LearnerGroup or AdHoGroup when they are not a member of the parent Classrooom" ) return super(Membership, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
def delete(self, **kwargs): with transaction.atomic(): # Wrap in a transaction so we don't accidentally wipe out child memberships # when deleting the parent membership fails if self.collection.kind == collection_kinds.CLASSROOM: # If membership is membership of classroom, should also cleanup all # memberships of child entities - Learner Groups and AdHoc Groups. Membership.objects.filter( user=self.user, collection__in=self.collection.children.all() ).delete() return super(Membership, self).delete(**kwargs)
[docs]class Role(AbstractFacilityDataModel): """ A ``FacilityUser`` can have a role for a particular ``Collection`` through a ``Role`` object, which also stores the "kind" of the ``Role`` (currently, one of "admin" or "coach"). Having a role for a ``Collection`` also implies having that role for all sub-collections of that ``Collection`` (i.e. all the ``Collections`` below it in the tree). """ # Morango syncing settings morango_model_name = "role" # users can read their own Roles own = IsOwn(read_only=True) # Memberships can be read and written by admins, and read by coaches, for the role collection role = RoleBasedPermissions( target_field="collection", can_be_created_by=(role_kinds.ADMIN,), can_be_read_by=(role_kinds.ADMIN, role_kinds.COACH), can_be_updated_by=(), # Role objects shouldn't be updated; they should be deleted and recreated as needed can_be_deleted_by=(role_kinds.ADMIN,), ) permissions = own | role user = models.ForeignKey( "FacilityUser", related_name="roles", blank=False, null=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) # Note: "It's recommended you use mptt.fields.TreeForeignKey wherever you have a foreign key to an MPTT model. # collection = TreeForeignKey("Collection", on_delete=models.CASCADE) kind = models.CharField(max_length=26, choices=role_kinds.choices) class Meta: unique_together = (("user", "collection", "kind"),)
[docs] def calculate_partition(self): return "{dataset_id}:user-ro:{user_id}".format( dataset_id=self.dataset_id, user_id=self.user_id )
[docs] def calculate_source_id(self): return "{collection_id}:{kind}".format( collection_id=self.collection_id, kind=self.kind )
[docs] def infer_dataset(self, *args, **kwargs): user_dataset_id = self.cached_related_dataset_lookup("user") collection_dataset_id = self.cached_related_dataset_lookup("collection") if user_dataset_id != collection_dataset_id: raise KolibriValidationError( "The collection and user for a Role object must be in the same dataset." ) return user_dataset_id
def __str__(self): return "{user}'s {kind} role for {collection}".format( user=self.user, kind=self.kind, collection=self.collection )
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if ( self.collection.kind == collection_kinds.LEARNERGROUP or self.collection.kind == collection_kinds.ADHOCLEARNERSGROUP ): # We do not currently support roles at the learner group or ad hoc group level raise InvalidRoleKind( "Cannot assign roles to Learner Groups or AdHoc Groups" ) with transaction.atomic(): if self.collection.kind == collection_kinds.CLASSROOM: # We only support coaches to be assigned at the classroom level currently if self.kind != role_kinds.COACH: raise InvalidRoleKind("Can only assign Coach roles to Classrooms") if not Role.objects.filter( user=self.user, collection_id=self.collection.parent_id ).exists(): # If the user doesn't already have a facility role, then create the assignable coach role for the user # at the facility level. Role.objects.create( user=self.user, collection_id=self.collection.parent_id, kind=role_kinds.ASSIGNABLE_COACH, ) return super(Role, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
def delete(self, **kwargs): with transaction.atomic(): # Wrap in a transaction so we don't accidentally wipe out role assignments # when the base delete fails. if ( self.collection.kind == collection_kinds.FACILITY and self.kind == role_kinds.ASSIGNABLE_COACH ): # If deleting the ASSIGNABLE_COACH role, also delete any classroom coach roles Role.objects.filter( user=self.user, collection__in=self.collection.children.all(), kind=role_kinds.COACH, ).delete() return super(Role, self).delete(**kwargs)
class CollectionProxyManager(SyncableModelManager): def get_queryset(self): return ( super(CollectionProxyManager, self) .get_queryset() .filter(kind=self.model._KIND) )
[docs]class Facility(Collection): # don't require that we have a dataset set during validation, so we're not forced to generate one unnecessarily FIELDS_TO_EXCLUDE_FROM_VALIDATION = ["dataset"] morango_model_name = "facility" _KIND = collection_kinds.FACILITY objects = CollectionProxyManager() class Meta: proxy = True @classmethod def get_default_facility(cls): if not device_provisioned(): # device has not been provisioned yet, so just return None in this case return None default_facility = get_device_setting("default_facility") if not default_facility: # Legacy databases will not have this explicitly set. # Set this here to ensure future default facility queries are # predictable, even if incorrect. default_facility = cls.objects.all().first() if default_facility: set_device_settings(default_facility=default_facility) return default_facility
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.parent: raise IntegrityError( "Facility must be the root of a collection tree, and cannot have a parent." ) super(Facility, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def ensure_dataset(self, *args, **kwargs): # if we're just validating, we don't want to trigger creation of a FacilityDataset if kwargs.get("validating"): return super(Facility, self).ensure_dataset(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def infer_dataset(self, *args, **kwargs): # if we don't yet have a dataset, create a new one for this facility if not self.dataset_id: from kolibri.core.device.models import DEFAULT_DEMOGRAPHIC_FIELDS_KEY kwargs = {} default_demographic_fields = get_device_setting( DEFAULT_DEMOGRAPHIC_FIELDS_KEY ) if default_demographic_fields: kwargs["extra_fields"] = { DEMOGRAPHIC_FIELDS_KEY: default_demographic_fields } self.dataset = FacilityDataset.objects.create(**kwargs) return self.dataset_id
[docs] def get_classrooms(self): """ Returns a QuerySet of Classrooms under this Facility. :return: A Classroom QuerySet. """ return Classroom.objects.filter(parent=self)
def add_admin(self, user): return self.add_role(user, role_kinds.ADMIN) def add_admins(self, users): return [self.add_admin(user) for user in users] def remove_admin(self, user): self.remove_role(user, role_kinds.ADMIN) def add_coach(self, user): return self.add_role(user, role_kinds.COACH) def add_coaches(self, users): return [self.add_coach(user) for user in users] def remove_coach(self, user): self.remove_role(user, role_kinds.COACH) @classmethod def get_or_create(cls, facility_name): if cls.objects.count() == 0: return cls.objects.create(name=facility_name) else: facility = None try: # We accept the parameter so we may as well try searching for it first facility = cls.objects.get(name=facility_name) except cls.DoesNotExist: # or just fall back to returning the first Facility that exists facility = cls.objects.get() if facility_name: = facility_name return facility @property def on_my_own_setup(self): if self.dataset.extra_fields is not None: return self.dataset.extra_fields.get("on_my_own_setup", False) else: return False @on_my_own_setup.setter def on_my_own_setup(self, value): if self.dataset.extra_fields is None: self.dataset.extra_fields = {} self.dataset.extra_fields["on_my_own_setup"] = value def __str__(self): return
[docs]class Classroom(Collection): morango_model_name = "classroom" morango_model_dependencies = (Facility,) _KIND = collection_kinds.CLASSROOM objects = CollectionProxyManager() class Meta: proxy = True
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.parent: raise IntegrityError( "Classroom cannot be the root of a collection tree, and must have a parent." ) if not self.parent.kind == collection_kinds.FACILITY: raise InvalidCollectionHierarchy( "Classroom must be the child of a Facility" ) super(Classroom, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_facility(self): """ Gets the ``Classroom``'s parent ``Facility``. :return: A ``Facility`` instance. """ return Facility.objects.get(id=self.parent_id)
[docs] def get_learner_groups(self): """ Returns a ``QuerySet`` of ``LearnerGroups`` associated with this ``Classroom``. :return: A ``LearnerGroup`` ``QuerySet``. """ return LearnerGroup.objects.filter(parent=self)
[docs] def get_individual_learners_group(self): """ Returns a ``QuerySet`` of ``AdHocGroups``. :return A ``AdHocGroup`` ``QuerySet``. """ return AdHocGroup.objects.filter(parent=self)
def add_admin(self, user): return self.add_role(user, role_kinds.ADMIN) def add_admins(self, users): return [self.add_admin(user) for user in users] def remove_admin(self, user): self.remove_role(user, role_kinds.ADMIN) def add_coach(self, user): return self.add_role(user, role_kinds.COACH) def add_coaches(self, users): return [self.add_coach(user) for user in users] def remove_coach(self, user): self.remove_role(user, role_kinds.COACH) def __str__(self): return
[docs]class LearnerGroup(Collection): morango_model_name = "learnergroup" morango_model_dependencies = (Classroom,) _KIND = collection_kinds.LEARNERGROUP objects = CollectionProxyManager() class Meta: proxy = True
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.parent: raise IntegrityError( "LearnerGroup cannot be the root of a collection tree, and must have a parent." ) if not self.parent.kind == collection_kinds.CLASSROOM: raise InvalidCollectionHierarchy( "LearnerGroup must be the child of a Classroom" ) super(LearnerGroup, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_classroom(self): """ Gets the ``LearnerGroup``'s parent ``Classroom``. :return: A ``Classroom`` instance. """ return Classroom.objects.get(id=self.parent_id)
def add_learner(self, user): return self.add_member(user) def add_learners(self, users): return [self.add_learner(user) for user in users] def remove_learner(self, user): return self.remove_member(user) def __str__(self): return
[docs]class AdHocGroup(Collection): """ An ``AdHocGroup`` is a collection kind that can be used in an assignment to create a group that is specific to a single ``Lesson`` or ``Exam``. """ morango_model_name = "adhoclearnersgroup" morango_model_dependencies = (Classroom,) _KIND = collection_kinds.ADHOCLEARNERSGROUP objects = CollectionProxyManager() class Meta: proxy = True
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, dict_model): # be defensive against blank names, set to `Ad hoc` if blank name = dict_model.get("name", "") or "" if len(name) == 0: dict_model.update(name="Ad hoc") return super(AdHocGroup, cls).deserialize(dict_model)
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.parent: raise IntegrityError( "AdHocGroup cannot be the root of a collection tree, and must have a parent." ) if not self.parent.kind == collection_kinds.CLASSROOM: raise InvalidCollectionHierarchy( "AdHocGroup must be the child of a Classroom" ) super(AdHocGroup, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_classroom(self): """ Gets the ``AdHocGroup``'s parent ``Classroom``. :return: A ``Classroom`` instance. """ return Classroom.objects.get(id=self.parent_id)
def add_learner(self, user): return self.add_member(user) def add_learners(self, users): return [self.add_learner(user) for user in users] def get_learners(self): return FacilityUser.objects.filter(memberships__collection=self) def remove_learner(self, user): return self.remove_member(user) def __str__(self): return