Ways to contribute
Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given.
Talk to us
Get product support in our Community Forums.
Get development contributions support in Kolibri GitHub Discussions.
Email us at info@learningequality.org
Help us translate the application on Crowdin.
Give feedback
You can ask questions, make suggestions, and report issues in the community forums.
If you are proposing a new feature or giving feedback on an existing feature:
Explain in detail what you’re trying to do and why the existing system isn’t working for you
Keep the scope as narrow as possible, to make it easier to understand the specific problem you’re trying to address
If you have found a bug and are comfortable using Github and Markdown, you can create a Github issue. Please search the existing issues first to see if it’s already been reported.
Please make sure to use the template. Replace the HTML comments (the <!-- ... -->
) with the information requested.
Write code
Write documentation
If you’d like to help improve Kolibri’s User Documentation, see the Kolibri docs Github repo.
You can also help improve our developer documentation that you’re reading now! These are in the main Kolibri repo.
Both our developer docs and the user docs are formatted using reStructuredText.